Ultimo aggiornamento: 6 Maggio 2017
Roasting the coffee samples for cupping in the farm.
29th of November. We are not writing nothing in this diary since a too long time, but for a good reason! We have been involved in a new fantastic adventure, the trips into the very roots of the coffee origin, the journeys at the discover of the coffee countries and the coffee plantations. We have been in Vietnam, leading our group, from the 18th to the 28th of November, and we will be in Honduras from the 19th to the 31 of January!
But it is a back and forth, because if we are travelling to the coffee, the coffee is travelling to us. For the first time, in the five days coffee and barista complete course that we are having in this days, we have a cool couple of guys from Sri Lanka; they are opening a “third wave” coffee shop in their country, where the coffee culture so far has not been very developed, but is growing! Yes!!
Yes, in the coffee plantation there is to work a lot!
Class, even in the plantation!