Come Aprire e Gestire un Bar Pasticceria Notturno
26 Aprile 2016
Rete Televisiva Cerca Baristi Romani per Intervista
27 Aprile 2016

Cote D’Azur, Mon Amour!

Illia Pasta, in the Old Nice narrow streets...

Illia Pasta, in the Old Nice narrow streets…


April 26th, 2016

Who says France rhymes with very low quality coffee? The tide is turning, since two guys are changing the scenary in Cote D’Azur!
Herve had an Advanced Barista Course in our school an year ago and now he has opened in Nice a beautiful as well as a small restaurant that serves an unusual combination: pasta and coffee, so cute, good and in a picturesque part of Nice that you should visit him in his restaurant, in Illia Pasta.
Alex also came at a five days complete coffee route course a couple of months ago, and now the grand opening of his coffee shop bio in Menton, on the border between Italy and France, is near!
In both cases, then, the coffee is going to be of the highest level, and it could not be otherwise since their blend was thought, tasted and selected together!


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