Come Evitare i Debiti Della Gestione Precedente nell’acquisto di un Bar o Ristorante
5 Dicembre 2016
Viaggi in Piantagione di Caffè per Baristi
8 Dicembre 2016

The Stunt Man of Star Wars to our Coffee and Barista courses

5th of December. In the last coffee route five days coffe course we have had also Lukasz Guziur, from Poland. Lukasz is a very cool and big (big!) guy, that has been the stunt of Kylo Ren in the last Star Wars 7. He is thinking to get deeper in the coffee world, and he was very interested especially in the barista and cupping and coffee tasting parts of the course, but without a lightsaber!

Lukasz, our Kylo Ren!

Lukasz, our Kylo Ren!


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