Come Scegliere la Centrifuga o l’Estrattore per il Bar
30 Giugno 2016
I 4 Errori Più Frequenti nell’Apertura di un Bar e di un Locale
4 Luglio 2016

A New teacher and a New Wonderful Gift!

1st of July, 2016

Is great day for our school. Today we can celebrate the arrive of Annalisa, our new teacher ready to follow our new COFFEE & BAR FLORENCE TOUR, the new course in the fantastic stage offered by the very center of Florence.

Also today we have had a so nice gift, a greetings card signed (and dedicated) by all participants to the most recent “Five days coffee route

Thank you, to everybody, and welcome Annalisa!

Our new teacher Annalisa!

Our new teacher Annalisa!


The last day: flowers and sweet!!

The last day: flowers and sweet!!

Greetings card after the course!!

Greetings card after the course!!


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